

About the project
I've worked with Creo Media on many storyboards and TV commercials over the years but this time they wanted vector illustrations for an animation for Skanska, which had to fit in with the corporate branding and set style.
- A billboard with portrait of the founder of Skanska, Rudolf Fredrik Berg.
- Old town of the city of Malmö, southern Sweden, where Skanska was founded 135 years ago.
- The UN building which Skanska renovated between 2007-2014.
- Powerhouse in Oslo, a modern building that is energy-positive, completed by Skanska in 2018.
- The original Skanska factory in Malmö, Sweden, and a dam
- An apartment building in the surburbs of Stockholm, Sweden
- A modern apartment building for sustainable living called BoKlok in Malmö, Sweden
- St. Pete pier in St Petersburg, Florida, USA.
- Brent civic centre in Wembley, UK.
- An award and folder with documents.
Creo and Skanska were very happy with the result and if you watch the final animation futher down you can see how my illustrations blended seamlessly with their existing ones.
I created the illustrations shown below:


About the project
I was asked by Regional Cancer Research West to make an illustration that showed how everything in their organization is connected, including patients and their families. This was going to be a key image for internal presentations and assist in funding.
After an initial meeting I did many quick sketches and the Client picked one they liked, where the different departments are represented by colorful people.
Many sketches and versions later we had finally arrived, a circle of colorful people talking and listening, with a positive tone and including 8 different departments, and the grey circle around them all represented Leadership and support.


About the project
Workshop illustrations for Mobility as a Service by Ernst & Young.
I attended the afternoon workshop with about 40 participants from around the world, and sketched what they discussed. I used these to create a a high resolution illustration used in the presentation by John Simlett, Global Future of Mobility Leader at EY at the 2019 Automotive News Europe Congress.